The Norther

We love what we do and we have zest for the unusual. We thrive on a challenge. Let us show you our passion for success.

Individuality is the special sauce here: our solutions are tailored for each and every customer. We've tailored solutions for medical practices, tourism operators, photographers and influencers.

“Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.” ~ Brene Brown... and we're vunerable AF. Our vision is bold, bright, we stay on trend and are technological savvy.

At Norther our mission is to focus on ethical and thoughtful practices. We're accountable for our actions and we practice kindness, compassion and honesty.
Solutions for
the Adventurous
Norther offers a variety of retreats and programs aimed to help, committed individuals explore and achieve rapid and sustainable growth in their internal evolution. Connect with your ultimate purpose and ignite your passion to achieve the creative vision of your life, career, finances, health and relationships. You will gain a clear understanding of what truly motivates you and build toward your own personal goals.
What's the impact you're having on others? Building a connection boils down to one thing: understanding your audience.
At Norther we offer a variety of customized services to our clients that focus on their business and revenue growth. From web services to digital marketing tools and everything in between.
At Norther we manage several adventure tourism influencers and we are dedicated to working with leading adventure tourism accounts to provide evidence-based tourism and lifestyle content across all social media platforms. Our focus is on improving the Northern Territory tourism and we do that through our relationships with ethically based providers and highlighting the wonders of Australia.

We are passionate individuals in our dedicated fields and we thrive on working together and coming up with solutions for success in your life and business.
Dany Kelly

Dany Kelly
Leanna Brown
Junior Copywriter

Leanna Brown
Alejandro Perez

Alejandro Perez
Charlotte April Bomford

Charlotte April Bomford
Milli Rudo

Milli Rudo
Valeria Guere

Valeria Guere
Dany Kelly

Dany Kelly
Leanna Brown
Junior Copywriter

Leanna Brown
Alejandro Perez

Alejandro Perez
Charlotte April Bomford

Charlotte April Bomford
Milli Rudo

Milli Rudo
Valeria Guere

Valeria Guere